Shark Tale finds no takers...
In the era of advance technologies, animated movies with wonderful FX and screenplay are proving bigger and bigger hits at the boxoffice. First half of 2004... Shrek 2 proves the highest earning animated movie and 3rd best earning movie after Titanic and Starwars (courtesy : IMDb). Next work of dreamworks, SHARK TALE. people were expecting more from this movie, but movie had only big names like Robert deNiro, Will Smith, Renee Zellwegger, Angelina Jolie, but lack of good story proved disaster for the movie and it proved a flop. Although it earned double (150M$) as compared to the cost of the movie (around 75M$), but it disappointed the viewers. Now all eyes are set to the next PIXAR release, The Incredibles,releasing on November 5, 2004. Out of 6 movies till now, PIXAR hasn't delievered a single flop. let's see what PIXAR has in bag for us... Let's wait-and-watch...
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